
Tuesday, 23 March 2021

Project Based Learning - Art

This is one of our work based on Project Based Learning. We had to create a Google Drawings and write about one of the Character in the Jungle Book and, we had to also write about the author who made the Jungle Book part 1 and 2. 

Thursday, 18 March 2021

Finding the perimeter of triangles

Proud to be light brown

 Proud to be brown

I will be the first to make my dream come to true to play rugby at  college and try to carry my skills to uniney   

I am proud to be a light brown skin student and, will love to make my talent come true in life

I will love to become a rugby player but not just a rugby player

A NRL player

I promise to myself to not fail in life

I’m not good at maths, writing and reading but at least I get to have a talent in life


Rugby is the most thing I will love to become a famous rugby player

I will love to get a opportunity from any NRL club

From New Zealand or Australia I will love to become a light skin rugby player

I am proud to be a light brown person


Monday, 15 March 2021

Cyber Smart Challenge


Perimeter - Maths

Today we learn about perimeter, perimeter is length and width and I used 3 strategie from a video. 

Wednesday, 10 March 2021

Zones of Regulation

You could be in any of these colors at any time, but if you're in one of these then its alright because we all get angry, happy sad. 

Monday, 8 March 2021

Thank you - Mr and Ms Tofa

 Thank you to the Tofa family for sponsoring prize's for the 5 people that won the Whanau Challenge. I love the prize's you guys provide for us and thank you for making this challenge up, because I really love it and my family enjoyed it so much last week, but thank you again Mr and Ms Tofa

Measurement with google earth

How many kilometres from Glenbrae School to Pak n Save Glen Innes? - 2.6 Kilometres 

How many metres is Leybourne Circle? - 1,553 metres

Measure the area of the Glenbrae School field - 8,411 m squared

What is the perimeter of the roof of the senior school block of Glenbrae School? - 13215 m

I was in front of Tamaki College and ran 500 m past the YMCA. What street as I near now? - Point England Road

Friday, 5 March 2021


 Today my family and I watched the news today. there was two important news on the TV, first it was about the earthquake and tsunami that happen in the East of the North Island, the next thing that Auckland will be moving into level two! but the rest of New Zealand is gonna move into level 1. I was so excited when the Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said that Auckland will be moving into level 2, she also said Auckland has been so good for five straight days because we didn't even get one case from the past five days. She said that only 100 people are allowed to gather together so that alright then not gathering togerther, she also said that everyone in Auckland can go to School and Work, so i'm very excited to see my teacher and my friends because its been to long and I can finely make my work more easier because when I get introuble with my work I will get stuck or a long time but if i'm in school i get heaps of help.  

Whanau Challenge - Day 5 - Last Day


Compering Text's - Reading

This is some the information i've found and I think can be the same or match.

If the texts have the same colour then that means it match's.

First contact text

Charles Darwin Text

Maori Migration Youtube clip

Abel Tasman was the First explorer to come to New Zealand, Hey went around half of the country

Charles Dawin came to New Zeland because he wanted to vist the Bay of island that was in New Zealand, He stayed in New Zeland for only nine days.

This Clip showed where did Abel Tasman came from and where did he go around New Zealand 

James Cook was the second explorer to come to New Zealand, but he didn’t go halfway around the country but he went all around New Zealand 

The Maoris wanted to work with him because he was very smart but his job is that he's Naturalist so Maori asked him that if they could work with him together and they will give anything that Charles Darwin will like weapons or anything

Even in the same clip it showed James cook going around the country to see if anyone was living in New Zealand

Maoris were the first people to come to New Zealand and to live in New Zealand and to basically call it their home

So Maori a letter to Charles Dawin asking if they could work together and the Maoris will give anything to him, so Charles Darwin yes they can so Charlers Darwin and his crew started working with the Maoris for 9 days and when Charles Darwin was gonna leave New Zealand he wrote back saying it was a lovely journey in New Zealand

In the same video it showed Maori coming in different waka’s coming into New Zealand in 1200 to 1300

Measurement Task - Maths

 WALT: use multiplicative and/or additive strategies to solve  measurement problems.

  1. A student measures her height with a 30 cm long ruler. She finds that she is four and a half rulers high. How tall is she in cm? 135cm

  1. A student is told that they are 1.45 m tall. How tall is this in cm? 145cm

  1. If it takes 3 hours to drive 210 km, what was the average speed of the journey? 70 km/ph

  1. A class of 28 is split into small groups. How big can those groups be? 2 and 4 

  1. A car, travelling at an average speed of 70 km/ph is in a journey of 210 km. 

How long will the journey take? 3 hours

  1. A long distance swimmer takes 80 strokes to swim 100 metres. He wants to swim across Lake Taupo, a distance of 4200 metres. 

a. How many strokes will it take for him to swim across the lake? 3360 strokes

b. If he can swim at a rate of 60 strokes per minute, how many minutes could he swim across the lake in? 56 minutes

c. Can he expect to beat the 2015 champion swimmer who crossed the lake in a time of 51 minutes and 48 seconds? No because if he does 60 strokes per minute he

Thursday, 4 March 2021

Whanau Challenge - Day 4 - Fitness


Measurements - Google Earth

Mr Tofa thinks all international airports have a runway of about 3.6 km. Can you prove him wrong? Find some airports, measure their runways and record how long they are. Let’s see if Mrs Tofa’s theory is right or wrong? :


International airport

Runway length

Auckland Airport

7.08 km

Christchurch Airport

6.97 km

Queenstown Airport

3.87 km

Wellington Airport

4.31 km

New Plymouth Airport

2.71 km

Hamilton Airport

4.56 km

Tuesday, 2 March 2021

How I feel about hangouts for school in lockdown level 3?

I feel is that I feel a little bit sad because I do not get to see my teacher Mrs Tofa and all of friends at school.

We miss doing stuff at school like helping if the teachers needed help and not seeing everyone in person, I miss getting teach in a class room because, for me when I am in a class room I get a lot of help from my teacher and from the students in my class.

Right now I struggle sometimes but I get some things finish when I try my best. Why I miss getting teach in a class room is that I always lag on my Chromebook and sometimes I have to refresh my page and that takes so long.

How I feel about online school is that its cool to see everyone on it everyday and to see that no one has got Covid - 19. 

What I like about is that if we needed help we could just unmute our self to ask for some help and that we get share our work to everyone and have a laugh if there is something that is funny. 

What I feel about Auckland is in lockdown level 3 is that I don't get to see my family more offend as I used to do because everyday I see my Nana after school and auntie's and uncle's when they come to my house. 

Its sad that we have to wear a musk where ever we go and wash our hand all the time, sad that I don't get to eat my favorite foods for a whole week but to me I think this lockdown is gonna make me lose some KG's for once, But yeah lockdown is alright but that its sometimes ruin things in life but yeah keep safe every one.  

Writing - The first settlers who came to New Zealand

P - Point

E - Evidence 

E - Example

L - Link

The first settlers who came to New Zealand were the ancestors of the Māori. They sailed from the Pacific Islands to New Zealand on waka. They lived in New Zealand before anyone else came. They built the house with anything they could find but Maoris started coming into New Zealand around the 1320 and 1350.

When Maori’s came to New Zealand in 1320 and 1350, different kind of explorers came after that. The first explorer who came to New Zealand was Abel Tasman he was the first European to sailed around New Zealand in 1642, He came to boats to ride around New Zealand to see if anyone was in New Zealand yet but he died in 10 October 1659 because of natural causes around the age of 56. The next explorer was James Cook, he was a British explorer, he came to New Zealand its because that he and Maoris had a deal but it didn’t get successful but some of the Maoris got killed that time. He went all around New Zealand to prove that a great southern continent did not exist in the Pacific. James cook came into New Zealand in October 1769.

After when I said that James Cook and the Maoris had a deal and it got successful that's when James Cook got really mad that he wanted to fight for New Zealand (The whole country). In 8 October 1769 that's when the Maoris and James Cook and his crew were gonna fight, the place where they have fight was called Turanganui-a-Kiwa, but James Cook was very smart, he had 4 tribes to wonder around east side of the Tūranganui River.



Day 2 of lockdown level 3

It was a Rainy day and I was ready for day number 2 of online school. Today at 9:00 am I went on my class hangout, today we first did some reading in our reading groups and, then we did some writing to finish off our explanation Writing, after that we blog our work like a our reading work that we have finish and our writing.

We then had a break because it was morning tea, after that we had maths, today's maths was pretty alright but it was still a little hard for me but we had to blog our maths work too. After maths is was lunch break, but when it was lunch break we had to do our Whanau Challenge, we had to do a family tree because we had to show our parents is name and our grandparents and even to our great grandparents but we had to try to go all the way to our ancestors.

When we got back from our break we had to share about our family tree but when it was turn I showed my class who my parents are, my grandparents and even my great grandparents that I haven't even meet, after our sharing we had a little talk about our next day and then we had say goodbye to each other.

After my online school I got to have some and the food that I had was cooked chicken and cooked banana and with a 7 up drink on the side. next I went back upstairs to play my Ps4 for quite a long time I hopped off the game and went for a shower, after shower I jumped on my bed, watch some videos on Tik Tok and fall asleep.

Whanau Challange - Family Tree - Day 2

Math's - Problem

My Problem I have to solve: 

If Roimata allows 3 biscuits for each person and there are 12 biscuits in a packet, how many packets of biscuits does she need?

So this is how I solved my problem:

3 X 172 = 3 x 100 = 300 3 X 70 = 210 3 X 2 = 6 Total = 516 biscuits 516 / 12 = 43 They need 43 packets of biscuits

Charles Darwin - Reading - Question's


Monday, 1 March 2021

Whanau Challenge - Day 1

questions - First Contact - Reading

What are the main ideas you have collected from this text? - 1.New Zealand response to James cook that they will fight for king and for the country, 2. One fifth of the people that were on the maori side were dead in the Musket war in  the 1810s

What year did Maori first settle in NZ? - I think they settle in 1642

When did the Pakeha start arriving in NZ? - December 1642

What was the purpose of Pakeha coming to NZ? - Because of a scientific expedition   


What questions do you have about this text?:

How did the Maori’s feel about all of this?


Did they have any options when they came across things that they had to do?

How did they feel when they had to fight for their country?

What words did you come across where you had to do extra searching for its meaning? - Numerically, Politically, Socially and Economically

Day 1 of lockdown level 3

It was a sunny day and ready for the first day of online school. Today was the first day of lock down level 3,I had to do a hangout from 9:00 am  to 3:00 pm and I was to tired but I did get to have some breakfast and lunch, after that I went with my family to get some food for us. When we got back home we ate our food and then went outside for a fresh air and to let my siblings play outside, we went back inside and I straight away played on my Ps4. but after that we took a shower and then jumped in our beds and had a lovely sleep.