In Kiwican room 7 and I learned about integrity honesty. Integrity means showing honesty to other people and telling the truth, for example when your parents let you go to the park with your friends and then you go with your friends but you guys go somewhere else and do bad things on the streets, and when you come home and your mum and dad asks you how was it and were you actually at the park and, you just say yeah we were at the park with my friends that's not being honest and being integrity. After our discussion we played splash and also animals, the game splash is way similar to bang, when the person that's calling the names if that person who got called is next to you, you have to say splash and that person has to bob down and try not to get splash. The game animals is we get into four groups and each of the groups get animals sounds so their were, Doggie wolf, Piggy Oink, Kitty Meow and Tiger Raw and the person who's holding the cone points to a group and if they are pointing to you group you have to make the sound of that animal but you gotta stay on the beat. We finished off with GKQ and said our KiwiCan chant.
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