
Monday, 29 June 2020

Making Scones with my Family

Today my family and I made Scones, it was so fun to make and I enjoyed it so much but this is how my Scones turn out.


Thursday, 25 June 2020

Matariki - How to draw a Taniwna/ Art

Today I learn how to draw a Taniwha, it was so cool to draw it because this is my first time learning something to draw in maori and this is how my drawing turn out.

Matariki Ball - Recount

Today we had a Matariki ball, our teacher Ads and some students helped Design our Glenbrae School hall and there were teachers and some parents who helped with our food for the matariki Ball. At 5:30 pm we started the matariki ball. We had a DJ that was playing remixes and songs for us, so we were ready to dance, when people started coming in we turned off the light, the dance fall started to rock, the DJ was playing some good songs so my friends and I were singing and dancing at the same time. When it was 6:00 pm we had Room 1 and Room 5 did a Tik Tok, first was room 1 there dance was cool and then it was room 5, there dance was so funny and I wanted to dance at that time. After that our Mc Mrs Tofa said we can dance again but at 6:30 pm we will have room 4 and 9 with their Tik Tok dance.

So we started dancing and dancing till it was 6:30 pm, when it was 6:30 pm the lights were on then room 4 did there Tik Tok dance, it was so fun to watch because they are little but already dancing like Professional, when it was room 9 I was saying to myself they are good, after that Mrs Tofa said at 7:00 pm room 7 will do there Tik Tok dance, so we turn off the lights and started dancing and singing again. When it was 7:00 pm my class room 7 did our Tik Tok, I didn’t know how good we were but I was say we were alright but after that we did some challenge, the first challenge was for the juniors, then the second was for the seniors and then for the last one was for the parents, I forgot all the winners but there were a lot of them. After all of those challenge we turn off the lights and danced and danced till it was 8:00 pm, when it was 8:00pm we shut off with a prayer and then said ‘’Goodbye to each other and then went home happy.     

Tuhi Mai - Gardening

Today For reading Tuhi Mai did some gardening at the Glenbrae school garden. We started growing the cabbage in a tray, first we poke some holes in the tray so that when we put the water, Vegetable soil and the cabbage, the root will not get rotten.

Next we add the Vegetable soil and water inside of the tray, then we made 6 holes in the vegetable soil to plant the cabbage, when we had holes to put the cabbage inside we put the cabbage inside of the hole then put the the vegetable soil over it, then we moved on to growing the Carrots and Broccoli at the garden.

8 of us went into 2 groups, we split into 4's. So my group was growing the Broccoli and the other group was growing Carrots, that was my first time growing a vegetable, first we used our finger to make a deep line then we tipped water and then we sprinkle the broccoli seed in side of the line and then put the vegetable soil over it.

While we were gardening we took some photos of us growing the vegetable, when we were done with the vegetable we packed up everything that we use to grow the vegetable and went back to class happy.    


Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Trip to Te Oro - Matariki

Glenbrae School had trip to Te Oro at Glen Innes. First we began with a Powhiri, as soon as that was finished we got split into groups to go work with the people over there. My group was the Clay group, we were with Whaea Whetu and Chop Boy, they we the people were gonna tech us how to make Patterns with Clay. The first thing that we learn from them was a Piko, a Piko is a patterns that Maori people use to create carvings in those day but they still use it at this time, They were teaching us how to draw it on paper and Clay, when we were finished with that we move on to Taniwha, we were so exited to draw Taniwha, when Whaea Whetu and Chop Boy teach  us how to draw Taniwha on our paper we were ready to draw Taniwha on Clay. When they gave us clay and water we started to draw, it was so fun drawing Taniwha on clay because it is cool to do what Maori people use to do in the olden days, when we were finished with our Taniwha drawing Whaea Whetu and Chop Boy put our drawing on to the paper that we drawled before, when we were finished with that we sat on ground to learn a Maori song, after learning that song we said thank you for having us, then they said your welcome in Maori, then they sing a song to farewell us back to school. When we were finished we ate our lunch, then hopped on the bus back to school.

Wall Display

Friday, 19 June 2020

Maths - Kilogram and grams

how many grams are in:
2 kg= 2000
4 kg= 4000
5 kg= 5000
20 kg=20000
15 kg= 15000

How many kilogram and grams in each of these weights?
3400 g= 3.4
2150 g= 2.15
4675 g= 4.675
2500 g= 2.5
400 g= .4

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Maths - Problem sloving

Maths today was hard for me because our teacher Mrs Tofa gave us a question. When we read the question our teacher put us in groups, this strategy was from another groups strategy, so they add 1 1/2 with 1 1/2 10 times and they got 3 meters then they times 3 with 10 and there answer was 30.

Writing Group Reflection

Today my group and I talked about how to make a winter garden, we talked with our teacher to learn how to make one so we plan out to make a winter garden at our school. What we needed to make a winter garden was Vegetable soil, trowels, gloves and pots, when we were planning what to do we talked about what we were gonna do. So our teacher made a planning sheet for us to put all our ideas, when we were finished with our planning sheet we then moved on to writing. 

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Maths - Problem and strategy

Amber’s grandmother is cooking a
roast for their Sunday dinner. It weighs
4 kilograms and needs to be cooked for
40 minutes for every kilogram of weight.
She puts it in the oven at 9.50 am. What time will
the roast be ready?

My Strategy:

4 x 40 = 160m
160m = 2h & 40m
2h + 40m + 9:50 am
= 12:30 pm