
Friday, 7 December 2018

Lily and the Snowman

One day there was a
little girl named
Lily and she made
a snowman then
It came into life
she was my friend.
Me and her played
some game and
her favourite game
was when I do
shadows with my
hands then I was
getting melted and
she put me inside
a freezer.

She would check me
in one hour per
day and when she
got older and
older she would sill
check on me and
when she got her
job she forgot
about me. Then I
got freezer and
went she drop her
light on a fake
snowman and made
a shadows
and then she
remembered her
snowman in the
freezer. So she
rushed home and
told me “I never will
forget about you
again”. Then I made
some more had
shadows with her
and her daughter.
We lived happily
ever after.